2051019 tn?1332742203

Could i be at risk?

My grandma had part of her colon removed, she had colon cancer. I am only 23 years old, and been having stomach problems. I had my gallblader taken out when i was 20. I constantly have to go to the bathroom. Feels like my stomach tightens up. Could i be at rise for colon cancef?
3 Responses
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1809109 tn?1331803777
You are at higher risk than someone else with similar history. However, that doesn't mean you're extremely likely to have polyps growing right now. I'm in the same boat as you. My grandmother passed away in January after batting stage 4 colon cancer for 4 years. My dr recommended to take better care of bowel- so high fiber diet, lots of fruits and fresh veggies and no packaged foods. Also being overweight makes me more have a higher risk, so I'm trying to loose weight too. You still need to watch for symptoms and maybe talk to your dr about loose bowels or weird cramps. It's possible that your tummy is still having problems with bile, that does happen and it's worth talking to your dr about.
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2051019 tn?1332742203
I have had my gallbladder taken out, i have no idea id that makes a difference. Should i just get a colonospy or whatever? I have talked with my doctor with my problems, maybe i should get more serious, lol.
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1809109 tn?1331803777
I don't know if having gallbladder problems is linked to higher rates of cancer, but if you find out tell me because I'm on the waiting list to get mine out. But a lot of people do experience problems post op making it so they have difficulty eating fats, spicy foods, etc. Some even experience pain that mimic a gallbladder attack. So it's possible your bowel issues are left over from gallbladder problems.

A colonoscopy without any symptoms seems kind of extreme, so I wouldn't advice begging for one but definitely tell your dr about your concerns and what you're body is currently doing. You know your body best, so you will usually know before others when something is wrong; it's just my opinion that you're more likely experiencing problems with your bile and whatever caused the gallbladder problems in the first place.
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