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Could this be Colon Cancer

I have a bulging vein (possibly hemorrhoid) near the anus. This is very painful and sometimes bleeds after bowel movements. I have experienced a change in my bowel movement habits over the past few months. I have also been experiencing lower abdominal pain (unexplained) over the past few months, and it has been getting worse over the past few months. Both of my parents are colon cancer survivors, so could this be colon cancer?
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It's extremely rare to have colon cancer at such a young age, but you need to see a doctor about this to put your mind at ease.  There are many non-serious things that can cause your symptoms and catching anything early is always best.  At what age did your parents have colon cancer?  You should see a Gastroenterologist for an evaluation as this is their specialty and go from there.  Given your family history you're going to want to stay on top of things and by staying ahead of the game nothing serious can develop. Take care.
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1809109 tn?1331803777
More likely it's just hemorrhoids. They can be internal too and cause quite a bit of discomfort- however given your family history don't chance it. See a dr and ask for a sigmoidoscopy or at least an anoscopy. This will make sure they don't miss anything or assume it's hemorrhoids.
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