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Could this be colon cancer

Stomach pains , over all my intestines.
Loads blood in 90% of stools, blood comes after stool.
sometime green mucus
weight loss - 2 stone over 2/3 week period
blood is red

ive had sigmoisocopy ( they found a little inflamation but said that maybe from the enema that i had for the sig.
camera down throat - normal results
ultra sound of abs - all ok
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Just a little update, the doctor decided as the hospital wasnt doing much to help me she said she would experiment a little and gave me 1 week course or cortisteriord prednisone or something,
After taking these for 5 days my stomach pain is stil there but not as often, but can still feel cramps. ive had no visable blood for 3 days and no mucus.
My weight has defo maintained if even gained some.

Any information you guys can give me would be great , thanks in advance
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It is unlikely (but not impossible) that your symptoms indicate colon cancer.  Type in rectal bleeding to google/yahoo and click on one of the many sites that describe the causes etc of rectal bleeding.  The Medicinenet site is particularly informative.

I suggest that you request a full colonoscopy.

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