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im 17 and scared

i have beleeding for the past few years and it is bright red and blood comes out after i do my stool.
this happens after a few months or weeks depends on what i eat and im really scared please help me no one in
my family nows about this please help me
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plus i have been gaining weight i dont no how
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1208572 tn?1276142543
You need to see your family doctor so they can check you out. Blood in stool is never normal, however at your age it could be hemorrhoids, fissures, or something like diverticulitis, chrons, ulcerative colitis,etc.
Again, your young so it could easily be one of these problems, but either way, if you are bleeding in your stools, you are probably anemic, which means you need to see a doctor. Go get checked out and let us know how it turns out.
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are these death killing problems ? but i havent had blood in my stool for a very long time but the question is are the desises that you have listed life killing ???? please reply back so i can go to the doctor fast please and thank you
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1208572 tn?1276142543
No, none of the diseases I listed are life threatening. At your age, your less likely to have a life threatening disease like colon cancer. You do need to be aware of your families health history(Has anyone in your family had any of those diseases I mentioned or colon cancer?)

You should go to a doctor regardless, again because if you have been having blood in your bowel movements for years, you run the risk of being anemic. Meaning your body is continuously losing blood.

Your doctor will check you for probable causes like hemorrhoids,etc. Most common reasons for blood at your age. But again, have your doctor check you out, because if its Crohns, Divirticulitis,etc, you need to be treated for it so that your body is not continuosly bleeding. Dont stress yourself out over it being a life threatening disease, just make an appointment so the doctor can tell you what they think the problem is.
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i keep bleeding oxygonated blood with my stool where do you think the blood is coming from ???? please tell me fast thank you,
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oxygenated blood bright red blood
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thats what comes out with my stool sooo please let me now fast
thank you
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1208572 tn?1276142543
It could be a few different things. There is no way anyone on this forum can diagnose you. Heres a small list of possibilites, some small and some not good.

Hemorrohoids(Internal or External), Anal Fissure, IBD, Chrons, Diverticulitis, Ulcerative Colitis, Colon Polyps, Colon Cancer.

It could literally be any of these. At your age, I doubt the Colon Cancer or Polyps, unless you have a family history of it, which then it is still unlikely at that age. Either way, do yourself a favor, to prevent stress and anxiety and go get checked out by a doctor. They may take one look, see some hemorrhoids, prescribe you some cream and you'll be on your way.
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B_Shel20 is completely correct.  The symptoms you are having are non-specific, but abnormal enough that they need to be checked out.  Blood in your stool is never something to ignore, even though the likely cause (esp. for someone your age) is something innocuous [internal hemorrhoids, fissure(s), polyp(s)].  There is still a chance it is something more serious, so if you are cautious and go to the doctor soon, you will ease your mind if it is something harmless, and you will catch it more quickly if it is something more serious.  You do NOT want to let things linger.

I am a 30 year old male who had symptoms very similar to yours starting when I was 28.  After several months I went to my doctor, who said I likely had polyps, hemorrhoids, or a fissure.  Still, she prescribed a colonoscopy which, long story short, my insurance wouldn't cover.  She recommended a high fiber diet to alleviate my symptoms, which largely worked for the next year, and told me not to worry because I was 'too young to have colon cancer.'  Still though, I had symptoms on and off for over a year.  When I went for my annual physical this year, I mentioned that I was still having symptoms and she referred me to a gastroenterologist for a colonscopy.  That colonscopy found a large malignant tumor in my transverse colon.

The good news is, after my diagnosis, all my news was good.  I had surgery three weeks ago, and because they caught it early, my prognosis is excellent.  I don't even need chemotherapy or radiation - just a few days in the hospital, and that's it.

I'm not saying any of this to scare you, I just encourage you to take your symptoms seriously.  As B_Shel said, it is overwhelmingly likely that your symptoms are caused by something harmless like a fissure or something like that.  Still, you are not too young to have colon cancer, so unfortunately you can't rely on that to ignore these symptoms.  

Go and get checked out.  Most likely scenario?  Nothing serious.  But if not, at least you can take solace in that you may have caught it early.  You're never too young to get cancer (unfortunately), but it's never too late to catch something early either!
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1208572 tn?1276142543
Great feedback Ruthless. Hopefully happy will take our advice and get checked out...

Aside from the blood in stool, was there any other symptoms you had? When you were on a high fiber diet, the blood stopped, or just slowed down? Odd that a high fiber diet would have any effect on the bleeding of a tumor, none the less, interesting to know. Great to hear you have a good prognosis. Alot of people are not that lucky and have no symptoms at all to even get checked out.
Did you have any family history of IBD or Colon Cancer? Your in the .09% of people who get cancer. Very rare at your age.
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