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Do I have colon cancer?

Hi, I'm an 18 year old male who admittedly suffers from anxiety (especially medical anxiety). I have recently been consumed by the constant worry that I may have colon cancer. What began this fear was the fact that when I had a bm I would notice a red chunk in my stool also I would notice a darker chunk in my stool (the red and black was not streaky). I went to the doctour and he was not concerned he sent me to get my hemoglobin tested which returned to be normal. I recently began taking metamucil to soften my stool, I have recently noticed green muddier poops. I have changed my diet from a high fat diet which I previously had. I am 6'3 about 185-190 pounds. My brother has crohns disease, other than weird bm's I feel completely fine. I have noticed about a 2-3 pound drop in weight but that may be because my new lifestyle of working out and trying to eat healthier. Should I be concerned? Also, sometimes I notice blood on the toilet paper but I believe that is because I wipe to hard and it is not a lot and it stings near the anus whole.

Please, I need some opinions.
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You are roght to seek medical advice if you are noticing rectal bleeding since this is never normal.  For possible causes google rectal bleeding and click on to one of the many sites - the Medicinenet site is particularly informative.

Colon cancer normally occurs at age 40+ although there have been extremely rare cases mentioned in Medhelp when the disease has been noticed at age ~20 - but, as mentioned, this is most rare.

Most likely the cause is probably one of the minor ones such as anal fissure/haemorrhoids etc etc.  But, if your doctor is at all uncertain that the cause is definitely one of the minor reasons, then for reassurance you may wish to request a colonoscopy.  Your request for a colonoscopy might be more pressing if there is a history of colon cancer in your family.

Even if you are one of "the unlucky ones" to have developed colon cancer at an atypical early age, this disease has a high rate of cure if it is detected early as would be the case with you.

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thanks though is it rectal bleeding  because it more almost looked like a red chink of food and my stool was not anymore different in smell.
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1208572 tn?1276142543
Tomatoes, red peppers, etc, can cause red spots/chunks in your stool.
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exactly what I was thinking , thank you
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