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Genetic testing for colon cancer

My maternal grandmother died in her 50's of colon cancer and my mother died at 49 of gall bladder cancer.  My colonoscopy revealed diverticull- I have severe hemorrhoids and always have had problems with digestion.  I try to eat fruit and veggies - I am now 56 years old and worried that I should do more to prevent cancer.  I would be very grateful to learn if there are other tests or life style changes that I can make - thanks so much!
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If you have the mutated gene, you will get the cancer!!!  Plus, it's not just colon cancer, it is brain, and pancreatic cancer as well. Locating the gene is to protect your children and if they have it, it must be taken very seriosuly!  I've lost so many to FAP, do not take this lightly!!

vineyardK......get regular colonoscopies, if they don't find any polyps at your age you can wait five years between scopes.  Even if they find a couple they can remove them during the scope but will want to see you every 2 years.  We all start having scopes at 50 anyway, and this IS the best way to know exactly whtat is happening in the colon, by the time there are symptoms, it is too late!
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i am going through genetic testing now for the apc or myh gene, i have attenuated fap, the testing as i was told was not for me it was to keep my kids healthy, i already have afap based on pathology report, number of adenomatous polyps etc. in order for my kids to get tested, they need to find one of these genes in me ,  they can't always find them i was told. mine is genetic, so the worry for my kids is there. but now i can't get anymore insurance because of this , if they do find the gene, and was told that if i get my kids tested ,i need to get them life insurance first. so be careful about genetic testing , it will only tell you if you have the gene, not whether or not you will get cancer and when it will happen.
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