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HOW LONG DOES HE HAVE?? Dr's wont give me a straight answer.

I have a brother who is in his early 20's who was diagnosed with stage 4 Colon cancer bout 7 months ago.  He was very healthy and even ran marathons!  (not that that matters)   He has been doing chemo for last 6 months and the cancer is now in his bones and skull.  Doctors have said things like "try to contol this"  rather than "cure this"   His health has declined quite rapidly last 3 months...   Very tired/pain all over body/intense back pain.  I would like to know how long he has so that we can all plan acordingly.  I know the  Dr's  cant predict what will happen to anyone so they have been avoiding the question and just saying things like "Well lets see what happens after another treatment"    
I was planning a trip to Europe  with my husband and we'd be gone 6 months and I would never forgive myself if anything happened while I was gone.    Can a Doctor or someone with similiar experience please give me there best estimate on how long he might have.

Thank you  and Best of Luck to all!  This is a great site!
2 Responses
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212161 tn?1599427282
so sorry your going throught this and your sweet young brother , i cant tell you but i know stage 4 pretty much ever where and it can go fast, my mother in law had it and once it got to her bones she didnt have long,  i to would be scared to leave him , nows when you need to spend every moment with him, so you can have all thoses memorys. i will pray for ya . GOD BLESS YA
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I agree...........i think 6 month is way to long to leave, my mother died of colon cancer at age 46. Once it reached her bones, the fluid buildup began and she went very quickly. Within 2 weeks. Now, no ones now how long it will be for your brother. everyones different. I know its sooooooooo hard.((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))
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