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Is it colon cancer

hi i am 23 about 3 yrs ago i had chronic diarhoae i had to be hospitalized because off severe cramps and weekness the doctor did a colonoscopy and said it was an infection now i started passing a lot off blood when i am using the toilet i had to be yet again hospatilized got some treatment but the blood is still there i really need some help to try and disgnose this thanking u in advance
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When colon cancer presents in someone under fifty there is real concern that it is due to an hereditary colon disease in the family such as FAP. If someone develops cancer as young as 34 this needs to be ruled out immediately because the children have a 50% chance of inheriting the mutated APC gene.  A Gastroenterologist will ask someone if they have had family members diagnosed or die from colon cancer in their 30's or 40's, as this will make them suspect FAP.  With FAP you develop polyps starting as young as 10 but they don't turn cancerous until your 30's.  If you have the attenuated form then it becomes cancerous in the 40's.  Family history when one presents with colon cancer this young is extremely important.  We have FAP in our family, and it wasn't until my brother-in-law was diagnosed with colon cancer at 38 and died that we learned this. Back then this was known as Gardner's Syndrome, an orphan disease. Now they know it's part of FAP.  My husband died 2 years later from colon cancer because they didn't know enough to check him. I had to have my 3 young children scoped yearly, one had his colon removed at 12 and the other at 16 due to the many polyps that carpet the colon and become cancerous with FAP.  It was determined that the grandmother who died of colon cancer in her 40's had it and it was being passed down.  This is why I STRONGLY suggest a second opinion on this.  Take care.
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I agree with mammo that colon cancer at your age isn't likely.  However, as someone who was a teenager when she saw her mom go through colon cancer at age 34, I still think it needs to be ruled out.  A colonoscopy three years ago doesn't necessarily say anything about what is going on now.
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At your age, I seriously doubt you have cancer and this would have shown up for sure in your colonoscopy.  There are other causes for bleeding, and I would get a second opinion on this.  I don't feel your current GI doctor is doing you any good,  this is creating a lot of worry with you, and you don't deserve to not have answers.  Get a second opinion, it can make a world or difference!  I wish you all the best and take care.
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If the blood is bright red, it is probably due to a fissure or hemorrhoids.  However, you need to speak with your gastroenterologist about this and may need to have another colonoscopy.  Things like colon cancer need to be ruled out.
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