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New lump near anus

I am a 39 year old female.  I went to the Dr. because I was seeing what I thought to be blood in my stool.  He did a quick exam and said he did not see anything.  He had me bring him stool samples and he did not find blood,bacteria or parasites.  Since my visit I have developed a lump right next to my anus.  It is almost an inch in diameter, it usually does not cause pain unless I touch it(like when cleaning after a bm).  Yesterday I saw some blood on the toilet tissue after I had a bm.

I have also had some weird digestion problems.  I have been passing some undigested food in my stool.  I also have been passing some mucus from time to time.  The stool were pretty foul smelling and sometimes they are hard to flush(pieces stick to sides of toilet).  I have also seen what look like tear drop shaped seeds in the stool but I have not eaten anything that looks like seeds.  I have a family history of celiacs disease so I stopped eating gluten, that seems to have helped get rid of the mucus but that does not explain any of the other symptoms.

Any thoughts that I can ponder before my next Dr. appt. would be helpful.
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Thanks for that comment, I will check out that web site that you suggested.
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I am glad that you are seeking medical advice.  You might like to type in rectal bleeding into google and click on to the Medicinenet site which is particularly informative and will acquaint you with all possible causes/symptoms etc so that you are better prepared for your next medical discussion.  If the causxe cannot be 100% confirmed as minor (i.e. anal fissure, haemorrhoids etc) I suggest that you request a colonoscopy.

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