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Liquid Diet for colon cancer patient

My mom is 80, colon cancer patient, scan shows intestinal blockage between stomach & small intestine, not even liquid can get thru, has had a feeding tube inserted direct into small intestine. I would like to know whether; with a 100% liquid diet comprising say of Ensure formula, she will be able to have enough energy to perform the activities of daily living? OR will she simply get weaker by the day?
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My mother will be 78 and while she has none of the troubles the two of you have described...her body is becoming more frail and less efficient as time passes.
Unfortunately colon and stomach cancer are almost completely avoidable through healthy diet, low meat, low compound carbs such as pasta and bread, rich in fiber, leafy greens and raw foods and low or no dairy and processed sugars.

The trouble is, once we get to the cancer stage and the onset of late age....it's very difficult....if not impossible....to get back on our same feet. I suggest all the same things ajlis suggested and is doing for her mother but perhaps small portions more often would reduce the nausea. When even liquid is so slowly passed and absorbed....I'm not sure there is much more that can be done.

I'm so sorry.....it's terrible to watch as parents suffer...I know....I lost my dad a year ago so.....I know.

Good luck and give your mother a hug....she's earned it.
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My mom is 77 and also has blockages due to colon cancer.  She is on a liquid diet.  I started with Ensure but felt like it was inferior nutrition for long term.   I make a smoothie with fresh juice from my juicer, almond milk or Silk milk as a base.  I went to GNC and bought a product that has 900 calories and 50 grams of protein in a serving.  I also bought some powdered vitamins to mix in it. I have several different recipes.  She can still drink it but she stays nauseated all the time due to her stomach draining so slow.  
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