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Hi, thanks for your kindness.

In last February, I went to ER regarding serious constipated, I requested the doctor to do surgery for me.  They refused, they said that I knew the surgery so dangerous, I still insisted to do, you must have mental problem. So, they keep me in hospital, they gave me 5 different laxative, but still not working, I live there until end february, I can have bowel movement suddenly, so they let me go home. Now, I have bowel movement every day, (but not empty all, last last year I have colonscopy, the doctor found I have poly, he removed for me(this will create cancer, although usually every five years can check, but I think I am special, I want to check it in china, every 2 years. Because I found have ploy within 2 years, the reason I want to check in China, because they are much cheaper, last time I check it only cost me under  US$2000.  Although few months ago, I issue the air ticket, eventually I could 't go, because my passport was keep in my sister's house.  But, I email to another, requested him to do surgery for me in HK. He seems not willing to do for me, he said, after surgery, the small intestine will adhesive the scars (leaving by the surgery, this will cause the patient die, he said it is only the last resort to do it)  Morecambe, I know you are very kind to me, but now I don't want to do it.  If I found my large intestines cover with all poloy, then I do it.

Wishing you always have good health !!!

Best regards
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Thanks Thanks Thanks !
But the doctor here insists that the surgery is not an option and said it is very dangerous. Three doctor said it is very dangerous and refuse to do operation for me.(In canada, they don't have pirvate clinic)  I am in Canada now, I email the doctor (in internet, I found one doctor in HK private hospital) he said it is a major surgery, after doing surgery (from 1 week to one year the patient have risk of the small intestine stick with the scar, about 36% will have serious consequence.(die).  This thing I also heard it before from one doctor (He didn't told me, but he said this in the newsletter (written by him).And also severe diahera.

I will keep searching from interent.

Will email to you again what I found.

best regards
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Hello again.  Are you still in HK?  The opinion by the HK doctors that the surgery is dangerous is quite strange because, in our previous exchange of messages, I recall that you placed a posting to Dr Pho in the "ask a doctor" forum.  In his reply he stated that the quality of medical care in Canada was similar to USA and that this total colectomy surgery was a routine operation.

Why does USA/Canada believe that it is "safe" whereas HK believes that it is "dangerous"?  Something is not consistent here.

Try typing in "mortality rate from total colectomy" into google.  I think that there are articles stating that the mortality rate is between 1 and 3%.  Obviously this depends on a number of factors but I cannot understand who the HK doctors/surgeons are suggesting that the operation is dangerous with a mortality rate of 1-3% unless, in your case, there are special reasons associated with other aspects of your general health.  Maybe you should print off one of the above articles with the mortality rate figures and show it to the surgeons and ask why...??

I am going to suggest (again) something I mentioned previously.  I recall that the cost of surgery in HK was much less than in USA/Canada.  Maybe the same costs apply in Singapore?  Maybe it is also worth investigating whether the colorectal surgeons in Singapore believe that the risk is much less than in HK and, if so, whether they would allow you to come to Singapore for the operation??  I am sure that the quality of medical care in Singapore is amongst "best in the world".

Try entering into google "colorectal surgeons in Singapore" and click on to the "Dr Francis Seow Choen" or the "Dr Heah Sieu Min" websites.  You can then email them and say:-

-   here are my symptoms (list them)
-   HK surgeons are saying that the total colectomy operation is very dangerous
-   I think this is wrong and what do you think?
-   can I come to Singapore for the surgery?
-   how much would it cost?

Good luck

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Hi ! Thanks for your feedback.  I already have 4 days no bowel movement, I am afraid like before no bowel movement at all. I feel very discomfort.  I don't know I need surgery or not. But the doctor here, they said the surgery is very dangerous and most of the doctor in HK said the surgery is dangerous too. I am afraid I am not so lucky as you !
Now, I am very fustrated !

Thanks and regards
clara lau
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Many thanks for your news.  It seems that your bowel movements have re-started (even if not every day) and this is progress.  Of course the suggestion to have a total colectomy was on the assumption that your intestines were "totally frozen" and would not allow bowel movements - but I am very happy that there has been an improvement for you.  

I think you are wise to seek colonoscopy every two years to check that there are no new polyps growing.

Good luck and I really hope that the quality of your life is now much better.

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