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Multiple polyps

I had a screening colonoscopy in Aug and to confirm a resected polyp was complete an EUS was done in Nov.  Resected polyp OK but "multiple 5mm polyps were noted throughout the colon".  How unusual is this?  Only a couple in Aug and then many in Nov!!
12 Responses
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527321 tn?1212630482
They removed 7 polyps from me they were all benign, watch it all on a screen and it was very interesting. My husband had 5 removed and he was awake, one they took a biopsy and it was cancer, they caught it very very early, they took the whole sigmoid out and the lymph nodes around it and said no sign of cancer in the lymph nodes. Had to have an ileostomy for 3 months and then had it removed in July and is doing great.
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527321 tn?1212630482
Why are you put to sleep? Everyone I know that had one including me was awake and watched the screen as they did the colonoscopy. Dose not hurt and is very interesting.
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3171100 tn?1344114475
hi Mammo, i am a 47 yr male , have fap, my mother has afap, and has been informed that she has the rarer form (afap) they have added her to a list due to this. I asked my genetics team and they even told me that afap is the rarer form of fap. This is still just as bad as fap.
i have the fap gene and have been told i have to have my large bowel removed this september, i am not looking forward to this but realise it has to be done to try to prevent the onslaught of bowel cancer.
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I just had 20 "tiny" polyps removed - 2 adenomas (pre-cancer) and the rest were hyperplastic (non-malignant).  I will have a follow-up in one year.  Doc put me on fish oil, calcium, and low-dose aspirin.  I am also taking selenium.  Are they going to remove your polyps?
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i am a 50 year old female and just had my first colonostomy and he found alot of pulups should i be worried that there was so many and can this all be treated and will i be ok i am a little worried and scared
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212161 tn?1599427282
wow bless your heart i need to have a colon thing and just dont want to i have had two i dont like being put to sleep , grrrr

prayers are they go away for you
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Thanks  for the info.
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Polyps are not an allergic reaction.  Polyps are very common in people over 50 and should be removed as they are found.  In AFP polyps can develop very quickly, keep going for your scans.  When polyps are caught early they are very rarely cancerous and can be removed.  AFP is not always hereditary.
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Second colonoscopy Jan 6.  Doc found multiple polyps, eight 2-3 mm "polyps" removed and described as hyperplastic.  Next colonoscopy March 30.  I wish someone would think outside the box as I am wondering if my polyps are an allergic reaction or maybe hives (I have experienced pressure hives when extremely stressed).  Being told you have colon cancer IS a stressor!  Three docs and three different descriptions and still no resolution....
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We have FAP in our family and that's why I asked.  Attenuated FAP is not as rare as one may think.  With FAP and attenuated FAP polyps erupt quickly.  With attenuated they normally start out a few at a time or a lot, it's a very unpredictable disease. The attenuated is the lesser of two evils.  My boys had to have their colons removed at 12 and 16, and my grandson at 10.  I lost my oldest son at 31 and my grandson at 18.  I wish you well.
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I am a 64 year old female and there is no history in any of my family of colon cancer.  Aug 23 was first colonoscopy.  Doc has suggested attenuated FAP but could be Hyperplastic Polyposis Syndrome (HPS) both are quite rare.  My concern is either the first doc missed 25+ polyps or they grew in 3 months.  Both scenarios seem remote.  Second colonoscopy scheduled for Jan 6 so we will see.  Just very disconcerting!!  Thanks for the reply,
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You need to ask your doctor if this is FAP.  It's an hereditary colon disease that causes up to thousands of polyps to develop in the colon.  You don't state your age but polyps usually start to develop as young as 10.  Have you ever lost a family member at a young age to colon cancer?
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