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Narrowing of the Stool

I am 28 years old.  My grandmother has had colon cancer.  Of her six children, five have had pollups removed.  About a year and a half ago I had some bleeding and had a colonoscopy.  They found two pollups at that time.  I know this is very rare.  I am due for my next one but haven't been able to get it done.  Now I am having very narrow stools.  I alternate between diarreah and constipation regularly.  I was diagnosed with IBS about seven years ago.  I am just wondering what the odds would be that I could have developed cancer in such a short period of time.  Should I immediately have a colonoscopy? Thank you for your time.
4 Responses
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766080 tn?1240252458
I'm so sorry to hear that; I know it's frustrating b/c they insist everything is ok,  when deep down you know something is wrong.
I've been having that happen to me lately where I eat and it comes back up at times (and when I've hardly eaten anything that day but it feels like I've eaten many huge meals)
I'm having a flexiscopy done on Tuesday; even though I said I wanted the whole colon looked at - but I guess I will take what I can get.
What did the doctors say it was that killed your husband? Did they say it was actually cancer? How did they miss it? I'm worried they might do the same with me...(they've removed pre-cancerous polyps in the past; only I didn't know that for sure until my last visit with my doctor; I guess I just heard 'benign' before and didn't hear all of it; or I don't remember it. He told me that and it got me scared. The fact that your husband had a complete check up and colonoscopy 2 years previous scares me too.
Can you tell me more about his symptoms and what the doctor said? He didn't have a doctor in Austin Texas did he?
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862265 tn?1250866771
My Husband had pretty much the same symptoms,  of course he was MUCH older than you, but he had NO family history of ColoRectal cancer.  He started suffering from narrow stools, to constapation so bad, he would throw up what he ate, just because there was no other way for the extra in his body to get out.  
He had a full check up, colonosopy just 2 yrs earlier,  the Dr told him not to come back til he was 50.  my husband died on his 50th birthday.
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766080 tn?1240252458
Now I'm questioning the same thing after I tried to help you -
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766080 tn?1240252458
I wanted to respond, I am 35 years old and too have the same problems you listed. I was diagnosed with IBS when I was 15 and they always chalk up any symptom to IBS so it seems like they don't take what I tell them seriously-it's always 'an IBS Symptom' to them. I've had 4 or 5 colonoscopies and all but one of the colonoscopies they've removed polyps (sometimes a year or two would go by between) and they were always benign. I do think that you should tell your doctor you want to have it done as soon as possible for peace of mind if you feel like it's too long of a wait. My grandfather also died of colon cancer. So I am the same way; Why wait if they can do something about it now? It's frustrating I know. I tell them light, narrow stools, Sometimes with that comes blood (sometimes a lot, sometimes just a little), mucus (the amount varies), moderate to severe abdominal pains, constipation, diarrhea...they always say "IBS symptoms"; so they are lucky and I am lucky that the colonoscopies were benign b/c I wonder if I hadn't insisted on some of the colonoscopies, I don't know that it would be that way now. Over time some polyps can turn cancerous, but I wouldn't worry about a year or two between (I say that b/c of personal experience, but I would insist on scheduling a colonoscopy where you feel comfortable)
Good Luck and keep me posted on how you are doing! I know it can be scary and over time it doesn't seem so 'severe' - I dont know if you get used to it or if you just start to know when something is really wrong, but there are still sometimes it gives me a good scare (especially if  developed a new 'IBS symptom')
If you need to talk, just look me up! I know exactly what you are going through; I have an appt with my gastro doctor Thursday and I've got to do the same thing (Insist on a colonoscopy); Feels like an 'obstruction' and I am almost positive a polyp or two or a very large polyp - and my last colonoscopy was about a year an a half ago too. I just don't feel comfortable going over 2 years without one especially when you have symptoms and family history.
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