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Odd Pain looking for advice

Thank you for anyone that helps me out.   I am a 34 year old male in great health.   Work out 5 days a week and my yearly medical checkups are always good.   In Sept of this year I was on vacation at the beach.   Alot of alcohol was involved.   The 2nd to last day I was trying to move a beach chair around the pool and awkwardly fell into the pool.   My right leg slipped in and i suffered some pretty severe cuts but from what I could tell nothing was broken.   Around that time I started experiencing random sharp shooting pains in my lower right stomach.. Almost from where my love handles would be to the pelvic bone.   I also had a sharp pain that came and went in my right testicle.  It seemed to get worse when I ran.  I stopped doing hill sprints around October and the pain stopped... or I did not notice.  

This week I did sprints again and within a day the sharp pain was back in the same area... it would come and go.   I also had horrid pain in my upper right abdomen after eating.   This has stopped and I am thinking it was gas.   I had a colonoscopy in Oct of 2012 and had two very tiny polyps removed.      I looked up my syptoms online and am concerned this may be cancer of the appendix's ?    Do these symptoms sound like it ?   Or are they related to my fall in the pool ?   Thank you
2 Responses
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1806721 tn?1554333407
Pain after eating could also indicate gallbladder problem. Stay away from fatty food.
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1806721 tn?1554333407
If you're concerned you should see your doctor for a check up. The pain you described sounds like liver injury from excessive consumption of alcohol. But there are many other possibilities. Without other GI symptoms, weight loss, or fever, it's not likely to be colon cancer or appendicitis.
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