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Out of my mind with worry.

Hi, this is not for the squeamish, ive just had a bowelmotion which was covered in yellow stringy type mucus. The poo looked like it was covered in blood too. havent gone for 3 days. each day a symptom appears which worries me more. bright red blood on tissue, excess mucus in stool, with red coloured mucus. perfuse diarrhoea and then constipation, low iron, it couldnt be colitis as i wouldnt be constipated? the mucus has increased over the past week as i barely noticed it and now its covering the stool.
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The hemorrhoids can feel soft, but I wonder how you are able to probe your anus adequately to actually properly characterize what you feel. It would be best to have a doctor perform the examination. If it is really close to the anal opening, then it is more likely the external than internal hemorrhoid.
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Hi, can internal haemorrhoids cause a large swollen bulge inside the rectum?? its a few inches above the entrance of the anus and it feels like theres a swelling there, its on the side where my bladder is if that makes sense?? its soft and smooth to touch and feels like a big cushion, but is much bigger than the other parts of the wall??  my other symptoms are stools covered in brownish (?bloody) mucus and had bright bleeding once a few weeks ago, having scope next week but was wondering does this sound like a differential diagnosis. Thank you for all the advice, am a real worry wart.
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If the change has only been recent then it may be infectious in nature. It would be best to see a doctor. An examination of the stool may also be helpful in terms of investigating if any parasite or microorganism is growing which may guide treatment. Verification of the blood would also be important. If nothing definitive comes up, then a scope would be best. Discuss the problem with your doctor.
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Any significant change in bowel habits - especially rectal bleeding - is not normal and should be investigated.  Unless the diagnosis is positive for a minor condition, I suggest that you ask for a colonoscopy.

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