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Possible colon cancer?

I am a 30 yr old male. About six months ago I came down with a horrible intestinal virus(what the docs thought although testing my stool didn't find c diff as they supposed it to be) I had horrible stomach cramps and diarrhea for three weeks. I had no blood in my stool but there was mucus. They put me on several antibiotics and the diarrhea finally went away although my stool hasn't been the same since. Since it has always been much softer and sometimes lighter in color.( also at the time I was diagnosed with high bp and have since been on lisinopril) anyway about four days ago I started having some really soft stools that developed into bad diarrhea and cramps. Then two nights ago I vomitted and there was some red blood almost like a clot that I pooped out. So I went to the er. They told me it was a bug that was going around that is nasty. I havent had blood since but still have cramps and diarrhea. Anyway I was wondering what the chances are that this could be related to colorectal cancer? I have no family history of it.
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Please get in to see a Gastroenterologist....this is not a bug.  There can be many causes for your symptoms that don't include cancer, obviously more is wrong than your GP can diagnose and shame on him for not referring you to a doctor who is specialized in this field who can properly diagnose the problem!
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1728693 tn?1332165262
Without further investigation it's impossible to tell if you have cancer. I know my brother had developed ulceritive colitis but he had diahrrea for a couple of weeks and lost a ton of weight. It was diagnosed via a flexible sigmoidoscopy.

Colorectal cancer seems to hit people around 50, so it's unlikely you have it - but you may want to follow up with a visit to your GP if this isn't getting better or get a second opinion from another doc.
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