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Really bad gas and red in my stool

Lately I have noticed that if I drink pretty much any amount of alcohol I will have really horrific gas the next morning. I used to be able to drink a ton and not have this problem.

Also this morning I noticed that my stool was watery and red. I did have a glass of orange/cranberry juice this morning so could that be it? I just find it hard to believe that the horrible gas and the red stool are a coincidence.

I dont really have any pain, although I have had some kind of hemorrhoid problem as well...

I wonder if I am in any danger. I am really not in the financial position to be able to just get up and go see a doctor.

Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks.
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527321 tn?1212630482
Depending on your income, there is help at a lot of hospitals, if you have no income, financial help is available, but you really need to see a doctor about this to be safe.
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I had those exact symptoms and I had stage 3 colon cancer at age 48. . Don't wait for pain. I never had pain. The faster they catch it the better!!  Please call a Gastroentestinal doctor today!!!
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