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blood mixed in stool

Hi im a 25 year old female. Over the last year approx. I have had back and forth (mainly diarrhea) and constipation... I lost almost 20 pounds and my PC said its probably just stress. It has finally seemed to straighten out I put weight on my stool seems normal consistency but I was waking up in the night with sharp upper middle quadrant pain lasting 5ish minutes.  I now am having fever, bloatedness, nausea, horrible headaches, and ive noticed the past week or so my stool has blood intertwined? and it kind of seeps out into a cloud within minutes after going? ( best explanation). Its definitely blood but its not super bright red. I feel like I haven't been taken seriously because im 25... I don't go to the doctor often and when I do I feel like im pushed out. What should I be asking looking for or any ideas what could be wrong
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