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Should I get checked?

Hello, about a month ago I had experienced a small case of constipation, but my diet has been atrocious back then, and still is, I am getting it back in shape now, but three days ago I woke up in the middle of the night and felt really nauseous and like I had diarrhea, I ran to the bathroom and did my business, went back to bed still feeling nauseous. Just last night, I woke up again feeling very nauseous, it was really bad, I went to the bathroom, and I couldn't do anything, so I went back to bed, and then it hit me again, I ran back to the bathroom and vomited several times, then I crapped again, not to disgust anyone, (well you're docters so probably not, no offence) but my stool was very small, short and thin, and there was alot of them, my assumption was that my sphincter was locked up so it squeezed out. Went back to bed, slept maybe an hour or two, now its morning, I feel a bit better but also a bit tired and light headed. I have never felt abdominal pain, or seen blood in my stool, but the thought of cancer came to mind and now I can't get it out, don't know why, I just tend to do stuff like that, I even caused problems with my vision because of worry, but that aside. I was wondering if I should see a doctor, or what so I am asking you guys. Thanks!
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