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Should I see Colon Dr?

Hello everyone
I posted a question earlier but have not received any reply- so I thought maybe it was my title. I had seen my gyn/onc yesterday to get the results of my ct scan. No ovarian cancer in the remaining ovary. (Yippie!) He told me to take a OTC gas x and told me to come back in a year. The ct scan showed pelvic or abdominal masses. showed I had retropertineol (sp) lymph nodes present.

I had a colonascopy last year found polyps removed and were begnin. (Yippie!) Brother has the same issues with the colon. Prior to my gyn appt I seen the GI who did the colon.  I had horriably constipation for 4-5 wks and just kept takeing x lax to keep myself clean and he told me there was nothing he could do becuz polyps came back normal. Thats when I seen gyn/onc. When the gyn did the rectum exam it was the worst pain I had ever felt, he had to stop. Later that day I tried to have a bowel movement (was sore and crampy feeling) it looked like a blk raison with small tadole blk clots.

What should I do? There is constant pressure in the rectum like I have to go or a poking feeling up there. My belly bloats so I've had to make cut the elastic. And the lower abdomin hurts when I do have a bowel movements and stays sore. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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sorry the scan showed no masses in pelvic or abdomin. So no alien baby growing in there. LOL

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I called and am trying to get appt w gi the bloating is constantly and if feels like I would explode. Would a ct scan show any blockages? My back feels like it has a cramp in it from the pressure and bloating of my belly. The way I feel with this belly I would never want to be pregnant at my age.

thank you
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See a gartroenterologist right away.  Something is not right and you should be seen sooner rather than later.  Good luck.

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