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Stage IIIb, post op chemo Normal?

Is it normal for a Dr to want to do Chemo post-op even though he feels
they got everything and all the tests came back good?
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Post op chemotherapy is given for stage IIIb colon cancer. This is done by closely monitoring the blood counts, as this can decrease the platelets or the WBCs, making the person susceptible to infections.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Thank You for the input.
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I think it is normal.I have stage 3 colon cancer.Before surgery i did 6 weeks of chemo pills and radiation.And after surgery i have done 8 IV chemo.My last treatment will be on Monday.And my pump comes off on Wed. On June 6th i get to have surgery like my first one.Cause he left a hold in my colon.I have had 3 drain put in.And the last drain was put in on Feb 17th.And has to stay in until i have this surgery.I have a new doctor.And i feel he will do me right.Long stiry about the old doctor i had.I have been dealing with so much ungodly pain in the last 8 months.Cant wait to get this fixed. Wishing u all the very best.Please keep us posted on u.Sending u loving hugs.U can beat this!!!! Together we will have perfect assholes and papers to prove it.LOL This is how i try to handle things.Hope i didnt offend u by saying that.I have to joke about things sometimes.But i do wish u all the best.Linda
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212161 tn?1599427282
can i ask did you ever have a colonoscopy, before they found this cancer .  

so sorry for your pain .prayers your on the up road of this
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No, I did not. We had no idea there was any cancer. Just came home one night and a massive bleed started (fri) by that Sunday I was in the hospital by Tuesday afternoon they told me it was cancer and operated the next day.

Still kind "what?" Feeling.... But it is what it is I guess.
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