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Stage IV colon cancer, with metatizes in the retroperitoneum

Hi there,  My husband, age 57 and in otherwise great health, was diagnosed and had surgery for colon cancer.  The diagnosis was stage IV colon cancer, as the mucinous carcinoid tumor had spread to his retroperitoneum.  The prognosis is not good (ie., the doctors said that without doubt, this is a terminal disease with survival marked at 3-6 months).  But I have been reading of survivors - some living beyond the magic five year milestone!  What is the exact prognosis of this?  He currently does not have any mets to the liver or lungs or any other part of his body, and his CEA is now point.4 (*very low, but doesn't mean to say that the mets haven't happened -- they're just not currently active).  
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I'm so sorry to hear of your husband's illness.  He needs first-class care so I hope you have excellent doctors and nurses.  

Sorry I cannot relate much beyond my personal experience.  I was diagnosed late in stage III, (T3 N5 M0) in April 2004.  Treatment was very hard, but this week it is 5 years and I'm alive and kicking.  I am fortunate to live within 10 minutes of an excellent hospital where I received the finest care.  There is no doubt that made all the difference.  

Don't give up.  I'll be thinking of you.  
All the best,
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I am so sorry to hear of your problem, how is he taking this ,I just wrote a question in here about colon cancer and am scared to death - again i am so sorry
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