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Symptom Question...(Bowel related, kinda gross)

Ok so here goes, I am a borderline hypochondriac, in the past 2 years I have had SEVERAL tests on my GI tract (Endoscopy, Upper GI X-Rays, Blood tests, pelvic ultrasound ...) but no colonoscopy because I do not have diarrhea and only mild constipation.
Well on Monday morning I had a normal BM ... in the afternoon I had a bit of a stomach ache and it was the 1st day of my menstrual cycle so when I went to the bathroom my stool came out semi thin (not as thin as a pencil but thin) and short ... the next morning (Tues) I went again (no stomach ache) and the stool was a normal color but I didn't go very much ... now this morning when I went the first 2 pieces were very dark and the last piece was long and dark brown color. Now I went to the Dr yesterday because I'm having alot of bloating issues and she ran some blood tests for food allergies and H. Pylori which I hadn't had done yet, get the results in a few days. She mentioned an abdominal CT ... and the possibility of a colonoscopy but doesn't think it's colon related ... thinks it may be IBS.

Do any of these symptoms say colon cancer? I'm very nervous, I'm 28 yr old female, non smoker who has no family history of this disease ... thanks
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The color of our stool can change due to foods, and dark brown is fine.  Bloating can be caused by foods and definitely IBS, in fact that's one of the main symptoms.  Some people have only bloating, while other have constipation, and/or diarrhea, pain....while others have all the symptoms.  I know you're nervous, but I've dealt with colon issues in my family for years, and have worked for two GI doctors.  I really think this is a very minor, but bothersome thing.  Try to relax, I know you will be just fine.  
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thanks for your reply ... I'm still nervous but I think that's just the anxiety ... I am taking probiotics daily for years now and yogurt too ... I'm thinking this may be a flare-up? Normally my stools are almost perfect every morning and I've never seen bright red blood or black and tarry ... this morning they were just really really dark brown.
My biggest concern is the bloating, it's in my lower abdomen and swells out like a balloon, this is the worst and practically the only symptom I have ... I tried fennel tea last night and that helped a bit
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Hi there!  No, this doesn't sound at all like colon cancer and especially at your age with your symptoms.  It's normal for the color, and shape of our stool to change from time to time.  This can be due to foods we've eaten or not eaten.  It's when the change last for several weeks that we need to get checked out.  Often it can be a lack of good bacteria in our intestines which aides in digestion, and eating yogurt enriched with probiotics can help with this.  IBS also causes a lot of bloating a bowel issues. I wouldn't be worried as I don't feel this is anything serious.  It's good that your doctor is thorough because if the tests just gives you peace of mind, they're well worth having.  I have IBS and have had the same symptoms as you.  Try to relax and not worry, I think if it's anything....it's IBS.  Nothing serious and easily treated.  Best wishes.
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