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Twinge pains on left side near colon.

Is this a normal after surgery pain?  Colon resection due to diverticulitis, ostomy, then reconnection. Similar pain to before colonectomy, where I couldn't tell if it was feminine pain or colon pain.  Still can't tell.  Ocassionally, I have similar pain on the right side, too.  Also some pain when I raise my left leg.  Obviously I have concerns and want to make sure there isn't a problem.  I wasn't told any symptoms to watch out for, or any possible complications.  I have read that irregularity is common after a reconnect.  I have had minor bouts of constipation and diarrhea.  I am drinking 64+oz of liquid a day, increased fiber, and taking daily stool softeners to prevent a recurrence of diverticulitis.
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