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When to get a colonoscopy...

I'm a 36-year old male, and have the following family history: My uncle (my father's younger brother) died of colon cancer at the age of 40. He was an active steroid user & active consumer of red meat during his 5 years as a professional  football player. My father had a colonoscopy at the age of 43, and a few benign polyps were detected and removed. Also, my grandfather (on my father's side) died from colon cancer at the age of 70. For the past 20 years my father has had a clean bill of health after having several colonoscopies. After a doctor's visit, a specialist recommended I get a colonoscopy, now. I feel this is early for me, and my insurance won't help until my high deductible is met. Please let me know what age is recommended for me to get this test done, and what the risks are if I wait.
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527321 tn?1212630482
You are welcome, please keep us posted.
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Great, thanks for your comments! It makes sense.
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527321 tn?1212630482
It is not to early, I agree you should have a colonoscopy now, you have a family history of it so now is a good time to get checked. Colon cancer is curable if it is caught early,  so it would be best for you if you get one now.
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