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bleeding from rectum

Is it normal to have a large amount of blood come from your rectum even if you haven't taken a bowel movement?? I have not had any discomfort from hemmorhoids or anthing. Just sat down to urinate & when I stood up there was a large amount of blood in the bowl. Have had alittle spotting the past few months when ever my stomach was upset but never anything like this.
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P.S. If your blood level is low or in other words...if you're anemic....this will cause hemorrhaging. ALso a vitamin K defficiency could cause some trouble but vitamin K deffincincy is relatively rare.
Try getting some Black Strap Molasses and stir about 2 Tbsp. into a cup of stove warmed milk. Stop using the microwave to heat all your food.....seriously. Heat the milk on the stove and stir in the Molasses then sip slowly. Do this twice a day and see how you feel. When it starts making you feel funny in your head then you know you've had enough....especially if you're a guy. If you're a woman you should take this remedy until you feel funny in your head then stop but resume about three days before your cycle starts if you're still menstruating. Take it once a day every day of your cyccle then stop for another 20 days.
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Have you had any heartburn or stomach discomfort? I would be inclined to suggest an ulcer but if you're not having any kind of accompanying symptoms......
Is the blood bright red.....deep red or almost black? And are you male or female?

If the blood is coming from the rectum and it's bright red....it's not truly worthy of panic. Unexpected blood in the bowl is always a bit firghtening but it could be there wasn't as much there as you suspected and internal hemorrhoids, while inconvenient, are not only fairly common but truly only worthy of healthy diet change rather than a hospital stay.

If the blood was so dark and so much that you couldn't see the bottom of the bowl through the blood.....then yeah.....you just might have a problem. Crohn's diseas, ulcerative or viral Colitis, colon cancer...just to name a few but these are most commonly accompanied by other symptoms, bloating, cramps, fatigue, bloody diarrhea are most common.

try eating a fiber rich diet. Don't peel all your foods but leave the skins on and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables...you can't eat too much salad and salads should consist of 7 or 8 different greens, spinach, dandelions, beet greens, bok choy, swiss chard, red leaf, green leaf, cabbage, parsley, Turnip greens and then dump loads of everything else on top of that but NO MEAT.....and no bread or pasta for an least a month! Eat everything as close to the way God put it here as you can and leave the **** that man makes ALONE!!! No coffee or soda pop! These are serious intestinal offenders and will seriously aggrivate any intestinal illness. Obly bittersweet chocolate if you must have chocolate but eat it sparingly and I aint kiddin! Chocolate creates polyps and weakens immunity if over done on.

Good luck.....drink loads of apple juice, carrot juice and mineral water and eat raw nuts!
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Bleeding from the rectum is never normal, and you should speak to your doctor about this as soon as possible.  You need to find the source of the bleed.  Please don't delay.  Good luck.

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