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Blood in stool for 3 months, could be colon cancer?

I'm 21 years old male..

So for about 3 months I started noticing little red stains on my stool almost everytime I have bowel movement, I didn't even know it was blood at first, but when it persisted for a week I went to a gastroenterologist, but he either didn't seem to really care or he wasn't very skilled, he checked me almost without touching while telling me to cough meanwhile, then he said that I just have some inflammations, prescribed me some ointment and few tabs and told me to come back after a week, but the bleeding didn't stop by then.. if not became more obvious.
e told me to stay for another week and when I asked him if I need to do colonoscopy he told me that it's unnecessary.

So I went to another doctor, after checking on me he said I've SEVERE internal hemorrhoids that's probably gonna need a surgery after treatment, it was a good news to me to be honest.
He prescribed some tabs, a drink and a suppositor.
I visited him after a week but the bleeding didn't stop, he said the same as the other doctor when I asked him if I needed a colonoscopy, and said that only if I'm worried.. and I WAS worried so I went to schedule a colonoscopy but was shocked by how awful the preparations and the operation itself, so voila! worry is gone! for now..
I stayed on the medicine for a little while then went to ANOTHER doctor, he checked me very well, and said that I've no hemorrhoids whatsoever! which was so weird to hear after the last one, but also was reassuring me that it's nothing serious, he asked for stool analysis and blood image, which turned out to be clear from anything except for Amoeba and hemoglobin of 13.2
He said that there's nothing to worry about and prescribed me some tabs for amoeba and told me to stay on the previous meds as well..
I stayed with him for about 2 weeks, with no results, but getting worse..

He was absent the last time I visited him so I went to a fourth doctor, which after checking said that I've a very mild hemorrhoids (that he didn't even mention until I asked) and that it's most likely ulcerative colitis, he prescribed me meds and a certain diet, and told me to expect results in 5 days, which was 3 days ago...

I now have many more symptoms (since the last month), I don't know anymore whether they're because of my SEVERE anxiety, or the side effects of the many meds I'm taking or just an underlying illness..

I'm now passing more blood (not much but more than ever) which sometimes drips rather than being only like streaks on the stool, and some white matter which I think is mucus, mild nausea, mild pressure at a certain point which I think is in the sigmoid (almost most of the time now) and rarely in other areas of the colon but mostly in the lower left quarter of the abdomen, and about at least 5 kgs weight loss (I'm now 76 last year I weighed 85 but I had changed my diet so not sure..), a feeling of hunger and little nausea at the same time and lightheadedness, stools have been a little thinner than usual but that's since the beginning of the 3 months, and only recently lighter in color.
My normal bowel movements used to be only once daily, but now they're 2-5 times a day, no diarrhea or constipation, I also noticed that the first bowel movement I have everyday is bloody, while the rest times have little to no blood.

I also would like to mention that before all these symptoms occur (including blood) I've had 2 severe consecutive constipations, but I can't find a relation here since the symptoms didn't occur right after.

Throughout the entire time I wanted to do colonoscopy but doctors were reassuring and always telling me "if you're only worried", well I am worried.. but I also don't want to undergo such thing for nothing.. but now I DEFINITELY intend to do it, but this can't be before a week or so due to the schaduling and the hospital work days and so, but I'm afraid I might DIE of anxiety before then, and because I feel that it's too late..I also have read about every single illness and possibility including colon cancer which I could NEVER rule out, I'm trully DESPERATE for some reassurance right now

I think I've most (if not all) of the symptoms of colon cancer, even though non of them is painful or severe but I'm still worried as I read that they don't have to be severe..

If it's really ulcerative colitis aren't 3 days enough to make the blood at least decrease, but not increase?

Did anyone else have a similar experience? could it really be colon cancer? my doctors seemed to never have considered this because of my age I think.

Another question, are 3 months enough for colon cancer to spread?

I'm looking forward to hear from you..

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