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blood in stool and slight abdominal pain

I am 23 years of age and last week I had a little blood in my stools but there was no pain or constipation at that time. A couple of days later I had slight abdominal pain which passed away in a day. The blood was a 1 time occurance and my bowel movements have been normal since then. This is the first time I have had blood in my stools and I never have constipation or difficulty in bowel movements so I have no idea wat the blood means. Can you help me? Your insight would be really helpful
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At your age blood in the stool (if bright red) is normally caused by hemorrhoids.  Hemorrhoids can be caused by constipation or from you straining to lift something heavy.  Since your stool is normal, and you only had pain one time, just keep an eye on things for now. If you develop abdominal pain (don't think you will) and see more blood, go to your doctor.  I really think it's no more than hemorrhoids, but if it continues see your doctor.  Take care.
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Thank you for the advise. Also recently I had an abdominal ultrasound and it came out normal. Can you tell me about the reliability and accuracy of abdominal ultrasound and fecal occult blood tests in screening for colon cancer? Thanks again
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These are both very accurate.  Fecal Occult Blood Tests are done to determine if you have a bleed that may be higher up that you wouldn't see in your stool.  The very best way to view the colon is with a colonoscopy, this allows them to go in and look directly at your colon.  If you are concerned then I would have this done for your peace of mind.  Has anyone developed colon cancer at a fairly young age in your family like 30-40's?  This is important to know as there are hereditary colon diseases, I'm not trying to scare you but I'm sure this was the first question your doctor asked you as well. People can develop polyps in the colon which can bleed and only a colonoscopy can find these and they are removed during the scope. I hope this helps and if I can be of further help.....I'm always here.
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Thank you I am pretty sure that the only incident of cancer in my family in recent times was my grandmom developing pancreatic cancer at 83 years of age. Also my normal ultrasound and normal FOBT should be good tests for screening rite? Thanks again you are very helpful
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