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colon cancer symptoms

I have had bowel issues all my life. About three years ago I got sick of them and went for a colonoscopy. I was told I had no polyps, hemmeroids and minimal diverticulosis. Follow up in 5 years with repeat colonoscopy.

About 6 months after this first colonoscopy I had rectal bleeding for a full day. Lots of it. Not just streaked stool but toilet bowl full of blood. I went to the ER and they did blood tests and a rectal exam and ruled that it was a diverticulitis flare up and gave me antibiotics.

So that brings us to today three years later. Twice this week I have had a toilet bowl full of blood again. Not with every bowel movement just with a few. No pain just lots of blood.

I know I have an external hemmoroid not sure of internal. I did have surgery about two years ago for an anal fissure. But I had tons of pain with that so I don't think this is what this is as I have no pain just blood.

O am a 41 old female. I am active and not overweight. I take benefiber as a fiber suppliment as suggested by the gastroentologist.

My question is could this bleeding be related to the diverticulitis, hemmoroids. Does it sound like the type of bleeding related to colon cancer?

I am going to schedule an appointment but I can't get to a doctor until Feb 13. I live in Estonia.

I would appreciate any advice you can offer.

Thanks so much,
Loretta Lippold
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I in no way, feel this is cancer but you do need to see your GI doctor to determine the source of the bleeding.
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Rectal bleeding is never normal and I think you should request another colonoscopy.  If diverticular bleeding is identified then a treatment plan should be formulated.  Occasionally diverticular bleeding can be torrential (as happened to me) and requires emergency hospital admission/treatment.

Google rectal bleeding to find out more - the Medicinenet site is particularly informative.  

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