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colon cancer

I am 19 years old, since I was really young I've always had problems with my digestive system. There are times that I go 4-5 days without going to the bathroom. I am always constipated, and when I eat my stomach becomes really bloated to the point that I look pregnant. I've always had this problem, sometimes when I do go to the bathroom I bleed a lot, and sometimes very little. Also when I eat the upper part of my stomach begins to hurt. I am very concerned, I have been to many doctors already and all of them say it is nothing serious, it is just my diet. But I eat very healthy. Can you please explain to me what this might be? I do not know if I should consider colon cancer. Thank you
2 Responses
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1092854 tn?1292620351
I think u should go see a GI dr and get a colonoscopy done asap. Iv never had the prob of going but has some of other issues bloating when i eat and pain among other issues and iam have one done on the 14th to see if i have Crohn's. It will not hurt to have this done and see. good luck and let me know how it goes.
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1129044 tn?1259993009
Its better to consult to another doctor to be sure your health condition.If you have a family history or symptoms, get screened no matter what your age. Any screening method is better than none. Go to your doctor and seek screening earlier...Early detection greatly improves the chances of cure.

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