1440074 tn?1283996071

colon cancer?

starting on Sunday, I have been having very severe anal spasms along with a ton of pain, and some itching.  It is very hard to sleep at night due to the pain.  I have not been constipated, so I don't think it would be hemmorroids.  It does not hurt to go to the bathroom either.  The pain is pretty constant with spasms very often, and when I have a spasm the pain is so intense that it causes my entire body to tremble.  I would describe the pain as almost like a bite near my butthole.  Nothing I have tried has given me any relief.  I have googled my symptoms and the only thing I have found that sounds somewhat simliar is an anal fissure, chron's, or colon cancer.  I called a doctor's office today and spoke with a doctor and he said that I should not be worried and it's more than likely a fissure.  Can somebody please help.  I want to know that it's nothing extreme.  Thanks.
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It does sound like a fissure, but you need to see a Gastroenterologist to verify this, and get treatment.  Cortizone cream will stop the itching.  Due to your age I don't feel it's anything serious, but see a GI to ease your mind, and learn what to do in the future if this should crop up again.  I recommend  a Gastroenterologist because this is their specialty and they know best.  So don't worry, it's not serious just annoying.  Take care.
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1440074 tn?1283996071
Yes, thanks.  I did see a doctor and it was in fact a fissure plus a perianal abcess!  The pain has mostly gone away after a ton of prayer!  Thanks.
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757137 tn?1347196453
I'll bet medicine helped too.
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