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colon cancer

I had surgery in Feb. 2011 for colon tumer and after biopsy 2nd.stage cancer was detected. Then I had gone trough chemotherapy os six cycle of Folfox 4. After completion of chemotherapy during check up a polyp (2mm) was found in colon. After six months PET scan has been done and no metastat was found. My age is 61 year. I go for walking daily morning for 40 minutes and also busy in my job.
My weight is constant. I have no major problem. But alway I feel gas in my stomac and I feel my stomac tight. Now I want to know , what is the reason of Gas formation an
is there a chance of reoccurance?  
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Hi.....I'm glad your cancer was caught early enough for treatment, and polyps are common after 50 and that's why they want us to start having our scopes starting at 50.  Polyps are removed during the Colonoscopy and your's was caught early and that's why we have the scopes, to catch these things before they become serious. Food is usually the culprit with gas, so think if you've been eating something out of the ordinary and eliminate it to see if things improve.  Also, what you describe are symptoms of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) which causes excess gas and there are prescription medications for this.  Having said all of this, since you had the cancer I would report any new problem to your GI doctor, just so you can stay one step ahead with your health.  I don't feel this is anything serious but if it were me I'd talk to my GI doc about it, he's the expert!  Take care.
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After getting reply I am litle bit relaxed as it not serious. In next colonoscopy  polyps were missing. I want toknow which food may be taken so that I can get relief from Gas formation. Thank you.  
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