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colon cancer?

My dad is a 53 year old male that has reoccuring pain and discomfort.
He has experienced this many times before.
He gets so uncomfortable that he can't walk,urinate and also is not able to have a bowel movement for days on end.
The first time this happened we thought for sure he was very sick...to the point where we all thought he may have something very serious wrong with him.
Thing is...he won't see a dr.
He hasn't been to a dr in over 25 years.
He is a smoker an alcoholic and has very poor eating habits.
I know i wil never know for sure what is exactly wrong with him...but any advice would be greatly appreciated.
He has had this on and off for a few years...it may have happened 5 times before...eventually after being so sick for weeks...he somehow gets better....
I tell him he is extremely selfish..he has 2 daughters and 4 grandchildren that he should be concerned about....he is too scared to go to a dr.

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Well...he has been fine...he says about 98 % better.
However today he left work sicker than ever.
He said he threw up at work and on his way home on the bus...had to get off because he got sick again.
He says this is not related to his previous problems....but I'm sure he's just scared to admit it.
He says he must've eaten something bad.
I am at my wits end with him.
I am so worried...Nothing any of us say can convince him that he needs to see a dr.
He's stubborn and selfish but I  love him dearly.
I really hope he reconsiders.
Thanx for listening.
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I was just thinking.  If he drinks a bit, it could also be a bleeding ulcer.  Not good, but not as bad as some things. I hope you can keep us posted on occasion.
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Thank you so much for the advice and kind words!
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There is a non invasive cat scan type of thing that can be done which is as accurate as the colonoscopy.  The entire family may want to get with someone who is knowledgeable about interventions (controversial) and at least try to persuade him to see a doc. He sounds like he know something is wrong and doesn't want to face the diagnosis.  Best of luck to your family.
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I forgot to mention....
He is unable to eat more than a few bites of food at a time...and prior to not being able to have a bowel movent...last week he had blood in his stool
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