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colon cancer?

Hi im a 24 year old man , that exerecises and has good health, a couple things that concern me of late; 1st. I have a itchy anus and crease and some times extremly itchy that sometimes bled a bit when i wipped 2. I have't had past actual stools in 5 days and the last 2 times the stools have traces of bright red blood and when i wipped it was bright red blood also and more prominate. ive also found a lump , not superficial on my lower left abdomin between my hip and belly button problebly knucle size. Is it possible i have colon cancer at this age
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It would be best to seek consult and have yourself evaluated in order to rule in/out any possible pathology in your colon and rectum.
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339111 tn?1246466741
Yes it could be possible. If you find a lump in your abdomen and have blood in your excrement, Its not a good thing thats for sure. It would be a very good idea for you to set up an apointment to get that checked out. They have the stuff to check you out and answer your question 100%.
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