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colon cancer???

I am a 23 year old female who for one I can say I don't eat right to begin with! I eat mainly fast food! But I just recently had a baby n I noticed my symtoms while I was pregnant! I had loose stools with mucous in it and sometimes bright red blood on the stool or mixed in with the mucous. I only had blood a few times and it was so little not really anything alarming. But the dr told me he figures I had hemmroids because I had rectal pain as well. Well I had my baby two months ago and at first my bowels seemed normal again they weren't loose they were actually a normal bowel! About a month ago I woke up with diahrrea and went and about the fourth time going only mucous and blood came out! It happened about three times and I panicked! I never had anything like this before! I went to the dr and he did a rectal exam and did say I had a few small internal hemmroids! Now they want me to have a colonoscopy done because I have abdominal cramps as well that come and go. I noticed my stools are soft and sometimes thin bit not pencil thin. I'm just really scared can anyone tell me what they think it might be. I haven't had blood since and I never had enough blood to turn the toilet bowel red ever!! Please give me some opinions I'm very scared!  
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Can anyone please leave me any advice?
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I'm new to this site and would really appriciate someones advice I've been realiy scared!
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