when they do one of these what do they put you to sleep with. does anyone know, i hate being put to sleep it scares me.
11 Responses
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Usually versed and demerol or fentanyl  is used. The versed produces amnesia and the narcotic for pain or discomfort. It's not considered a general anesthesia but sedation. Good luck.
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1118884 tn?1338592850
Grace77 answered your question.

You wouldn't want to be awake for exam.  The sedation is safe...you wake up to hear doctor tell you what he/she saw.

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212161 tn?1599427282
thank ya , it makes me feel better knowing its just like a sleeping pill and not stronge. i dont mind the prep its the putting to sleep i dont like, i have anxiety and its been high since i have to have this done.  praying nothing bad . my sister just found out she had 2 poplys and my mom had them so guess i need to check to. thanks again
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I would just add one comment to the above - in my case the sedation caused me to have difficulty in remembering just exactly what the specialist told me after the procedure.  Don't worry - your memory returns 100% after an hour or so but at that critical moment perhaps 5-10 minutes after you regain fulll consciousness your powers of memory are a bit diminished.  Either write down what you were told at the time - or have a family member/friend present at the time the specialist speaks to you and repeat the information later in case you have not remembered everything.

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212161 tn?1599427282
thank ya all, going weds for appt  than set up the colon test. scared but doing it
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212161 tn?1599427282
test ste for 19th this month and they use propofol. they say its safer than what they used before , will have a anesthesia with me the whole time .
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212161 tn?1599427282
had it done today it was so easy . being put to sleep with that stuff was nothing. so glad its over but wont stress it when i do it again in 5 years. no ployps either GOD IS GOOD thank ya for every thing
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1118884 tn?1338592850
Great news...rest easy now..
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No, the colonoscopy is NOT safe for all patients. Most are not "asleep" but quite awake and often strugglin ith pretty sever pain but the amnesia drug Versed blocks the memory fo a while; at least until you get home and realize how bdly you were treated.  Versed does nothing for pain; after the test whe you can't remember simple things (PIN numbers ect, beware..this drug causes long-term memoy damage and you were give it just to make the test esier for your doctors benefit...mad about this? too bad, you signed a blanket conset
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No, the colonoscopy is NOT safe for all patients. Most are not "asleep" but quite awake and often struggling with pretty severe pain but the amnesia drug Versed blocks the memory fo a while; at least until you get home and realize how bdly you were treated.  Versed does nothing for pain; after the test whe you can't remember simple things (PIN numbers ect, beware..this drug causes long-term memoy damage and you were give it just to make the test esier for your doctors benefit...mad about this? too bad, you signed a blanket consent...
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527321 tn?1212630482
No you are not a sleep, and yes they are very safe. You have to go to the right doctors to have this done. I had it done at the Cleveland Clinic and I was awake and watched it on the screen, very interesting, it was easy and no pain, they tell you when there will be a little cramping and how to breath to make it go away and it did. My husband had it done in March of this year and it was all the same with him, NO PAIN. So if these people who say it is not safe and there is pain, I would say they went to the wrong doctors. There is nothing to having a colonoscopy, when done by the right doctors.
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