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I'm 32 years old and I was diagnosis with familial adenomatous polyposis and I have many polyps in my colon I'm suppose to have surgery  and I was wondering how long do it take it to turn into cancer. My mom died of colon cancer at the age of 33 and my grandmother died at the age of 38 so far  the last time I was tested it wasn't cancerious
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It's difficult to know exactly when your condition can turn into cancer, but the chance of it happening is 100%.  The question is which operation and when.  There are many factors as to the timing of surgery, as well as they type (there are basically 3 options).  I presume you have discussed this with your surgeon.  If you have not already done so, I would also recommend you undergo genetic testing/counseling.  Best wishes.
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I'm no expert on your condition but, as I read your posting, the following questions came to mind - which, if I were in your situation, I would put to a G.I. specialist:-

- in view of my family background, how likely is it that I will eventually suffer from colon cancer?
- is there any genetic testing that can be carried out to provide more predictability?
- if there is a significant increased probability of colon cancer, at what intervals should I undergo a colonoscopy in order to identify any cancerous polyps and thereafter - presuambly - undergo a colectomy before the polyps (cancer?) becomes established?
- to avoid all the uncertainty, further testing and worry,  why don't I undergo a total colectomy now?

If the latter course of action (surgery) is suggested then you may have seen a previous posting of mine in reply to another Medhelp patient describing my own experience of a total colectomy:-


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