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dark green stool what does it mean?

I've had very dark green stools for the past three days and I am a little bit constipated. I do not have any abdominal or pelvic pain. There is no blood in my stool. The only changes that I have made on the past 3 days is that I have been watching what I eat and also the amount. I take Methyldopa, Hydrochlorothiazide, levonthroid, pre-natal vitamins, lupron injections, and Estrace pills. The only new medications that I just started taking is the pre-natal vitamins and the Estrace pills, but I did not have the dark green stool when I took them in the past. I also had diverticulitis 2 yrs ago. The only surgerie that I've had is a laparoscopy to check my fallopian tubes. The only other change that I have noticed is that I have been under an extreme amount of stress these past three days
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The color of the stools depend primarily on the food we eat.  If you are mostly eating vegetables or of the vegetarian type of diet, then this may explain the green stools.  The vitamins that you are taking may also be partially responsible for imparting a different color with your stools.

This color of stools may also reflect some form of bacterial imbalance inside your colon, but the clinical significance of which is questionnable.

I would suggest that you monitor these findings.  What's more important is to watch out for more serious symptoms such as blood in the stools, abdominal pain, or progressive unexplained weight loss.

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when u say abdominal pain would u mean gas?
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