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do i have colon cancer

im a 50yrs old female,whose expieriencing long yrs of contipation and occational diarrea,thenaround 2yrs ago
i notice occational blotting of the stamach slight pain,constipation,nausea at times,then recently i notice that i passed loose stool and their is a fresh blood in it..........i know that its indication of maybe colon cancer,and im scared to dealth,just dont know till when i can ignore it,.........help
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Sounds like some sort of Colitis (i.e. Ulcerative Colitis).  I would recommend a referral to a GI Specialist for follow up.

You can also post in the Gastroenterology Forum.
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1208572 tn?1276142543
Your 50 anyway, and should have a colonoscopy at that age, so schedule an appointment with a GI, and get a colonoscopy done. This will A. Find the source of your problem, and B. will knock out your colonoscopy for 10 years.
You could very well have hemorrhoids or had an anal fissure,etc, along with IBS, but again, since your 50, might as well get it done.
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Though, it may be IBS
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go to the doctours and get a blood test. Loose stool should not cause hemorrhoids. It could be a precancerous polyp
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