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do i have colon cancer?

Hi, this has been going on quit a while now.  But, It has become considerably worse latley. My stool is becoming smaller and smaller.  It feels that I must strain to get it out.  The stool is not hard.  It is like diahrrea or just soft or loose stool.  On any symptom checker, colon cancer is the only thing that pops up!  My problem is that i just started a new job contingent job.  They have not made a job offer yet but say they will soon.  I beleive I have missed the window for COBRA insurance (just over 60 days).  My symptoms are worsening such as back pain on and off.  I dont know if i am constipated or something worse.   Please give me any info you have.  Dear God I dont know what else to do. Thanks a million.  
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Thanks for your support.  i called the dept that handles the COBRA insurance at my last place of emplyoment and they told me i have until aug 10 the register. i have already recieved the paperwork from them via email. I also spoke to the Mayo Clinic just incase i could not get covered and Mayo told me they work out payments.  But thank god I can get the cobra extention.  I will call monday to schedule a colonoscopy. my symptoms are getting worse though.  now i am feeling bloated and gassy but, I have not been able to have a bm today.  geeezzz.  I have also heard there is a bowel virus going around by a few people.  but just to be safe i believe i will go to the Mayo clinic. thanks
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I honestly can't give an opinion as to whether you are developing colon cancer.  All I would urge you to do us to seek prompt medical advice and not to delay.  On other postings, I have (several times) described the situation with regards to one of my Wife's uncles who experienced similar symptoms as well as rectal bleeding - but he delayed seeking medical help and eventually died.  The doctors said "if only you had come to see us sooner.....".

Please don't let this happen to you.  A colonoscopy can diagnose the "worst" - or hopefully "not the worst".

If your symptoms are minor presumably you will be able to continue your proposed job. If the worst is found then have the necessary surgery/treatment quickly and seek out another job with your health problems behind you.

Good luck
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