484033 tn?1208516117

flat stools after resection of colon

Last April I had a colon resection after a tumor was removed. Stage 2a. I am on adjuvant therapy till Thanksgiving. I often get flat stools. Could this be due to scar tissue at the resection site, or should I worry about an extremely agressive cancer coming back since April? please advise. Synth
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484033 tn?1208516117
Thanks so much for your answer. I will certainly up my fiber and hydrate more.
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Hi there.

If you just had surgery last April and you are still undergoing adjuvant treatment, then it may be unlikely that the cancer has returned.  After the resection of the colon, there may indeed be some anatomical changes in your large intestines that can somehow affect the shape of your stools.  Furthermore, one of the more common reasons for stool shape changes wether you had surgery or not would be diet consistency.  If you lack fiber, then this will surely reduce stool bulk and increase stool hardness.

Nevertheless, I would still suggest that you inform your doctor about these changes, and any changes in your stools for that matter.  Have plenty of fiber and fluids and I hope your adjuvant treatment will proceed without untoward events.

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