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hurt from left stomach to my back(kidney)

hi, before i share about my problems, i'm a hard working person, i work as a labour,it has been more than 20years.  so every morning i woke up and lifting heavy packages, and i work until late, sometimes to 12PM some times to 11PM. i eat twice regularly, and eat alot of orange(because it is one of my favorite).

one day, about 1 month ago, when i woke up early, my stomach feels tense, hard and i feel there is gas inside my stomach, but i didn't feel any hurt. and after several hours, it became normal again, not hard or tense at all. it happens every morning and i'm curious about that.

not only that gastro-like-stomach feeling that i had, every time i try to stretch my body, (with stretching my hand to the sky) inside my lower right side of my stomach  feels hurt. it hurt until my back, lower back.

i go to local labs, and have  a urine check, blood check. and the result is there are blood in my urine. and for my kidney, the dr. said that i should drink alot of water.
several days later, i go to check again to  the labs. the result is, they said the urine is okay, but they still advise to drink a lot amount of water.

in both checks, i have no cholesterol problem.

i wonder, is there any possibilites that my collons have problems? until now the symptomps still the same. i defecate regularly everyday, once a day. sometimes my feces are bad, i mean snot too solid, watery.
please help me, cause i've been very worried lately because of this problem. thank you very much..
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I too have had similar symptoms...pain in left groin, abdominal area, into lower left back. I thought for the longest time it was spinal/muscular related since I was very active and a dancer. No abnormalities on x-ray, CT, or MRI and have seen many, many doctors for this pain. I have been suffering for about 10 years+. I am only 27! I wonder if it could be tortuous colon or something else. It seems to hurt more after I eat and when I wake up..also with physical exertion and also during menstruation (just before and just after). Laparoscopy ruled out endometriosis as sole cause (I had it but went inactive). I hurt a lot, but seems worse then. Heat sometimes help, and rest. I have increased my fiber and tried to drink more water, even take stool softener. I have had to go to the ER several times before because of the pain. I have been on painkillers for about 5 years with some relief. It's very mysterious that no one has found a cause for this pain. I did have a colonoscopy a few years back but it didn't show anything. Would an endoscopy show any different? I keep trying to just live with the pain, but worry it could be something more, due to it's increasing intensity as I get older. Just don't want to find out I should have done something sooner one day... anyone please help!

God Bless (In Him I find strength),
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hi too,
in your advise, what kind of test/diagnostic is more proper for me, so that i could know earlier if it realy a colon problem?
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Colon problems would present with variation in bowel movements such as that of alternating constipation and diarrhea. Blood in the stools can also be present The consistency of feces really varies from day to day depending on what you took in.  From what you have described alone, it is very hard to tell if you have a colon problem or not (especially colon cancer) since some of these diseases can really present with no symptoms at all.

If you are really worried then it may be worthwile to have yourself examined by a specialist (gastroenterologist) to evaluate you properly.

Regards and God bless.
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