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lots of blood

My husband emerged from the toilet tonight and told me to sit down... He told me that he had just had a large amount of blood pour out of his anus.... I am freaking out, he is going away on a contract for 2 weeks tomorrow morning and has promised to get it sorted when he gets home.  He has told me that he has not had a firm bowel movement for a long time, he is always tired/weary and has a sore tummy a lot as well...  There is a history of bowel cancer in the family, he is coming up 51 years old.  I am so worried because all that I have read indicated he has bowel cancer as well...  He has had this hemorrhaging before where is just pours out... He says he doesn't have hemorrhoids.  What do people here think?  I know I should be rushing him off to the hospital but he refuses to go.  
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527321 tn?1212630482
Yes you need to see a colorectal specialist, now not later, my husband came to me in the beginning of March and told me there is blood in the toilet, I took him down to the Cleveland clinic the same day they looked him over and sent him for a colonoscopy and then to a colorectal specialist they did a lot of test and he had cancer in the sigmoid, they removed the whole sigmoid and the polyps around it and gave him an ileostomy for 3 months and then in 3 months they reversed it. he sees an oncologist now, he had stage 1 cancer now in remission. Best of luck and please keep us posted.
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Re your posting above - please read my posting above dated 10 October 2008.  Rectal bleeding is never normal and should always be medically investigated - urgently if the bleeding is profuse.  Google rectal bleeding and click onto one of the many websites to learn more.  The Medicinenet site is particularly informative. If your GP can't immediately offer a diagnosis then seek out a GI specialist.  With anything but minor causes such as haemorrhoids, anal fissure etc I would expect your GP to onwards-refer you to a GI specialist anyway.

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i am having a lot f blood coming inside my colon,with stomach ache in lower with pain down my leg.this has been going on for at least 1 to 2 weeks,and showing no signs of getting better. it seems to get worsr instead of better.very painful and worried what it can be and if i should see a doctor. do i need a family doctor first or a endoscopy specialist.
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I suggest you get your husband to see a Dr. ASAP to rule out colon cancer.  I had one episode where I had a lot of blood in the toilet, at the time I was uninsured and didn't see a Dr. until I ended up in the emergency room about a year later.  I had a diverticula that perforated causing an obstruction.  When they did surgery to resect my colon and remove the damaged portion they found a malignant golf ball sized tumor next to the diverticula that had perforated.  I had no symptoms other than the one time loss of blood and some vague abdominal pain that I attributed to gas pains.  Fortunately, the cancer had not spread, the margins were clean and I only required surgery.  If I had not gotten the perforation things could had turned much differently.

Take Care,
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Hi - I would strongly suggest an urgent medical appointment as a higher priority than travelling.  If the bleeding is from the diverticula within the colon then sometimes this can become torrential (as happened to me five years ago).  In such case the blood loss may be substantial enough to constitute a medical emergency which may not be too easily treatable if your husband is far from a top hospital, or on a plane or whatever.

Your suspicions of possible colon cancer indicate that a colonoscopy is essential I think.

Good luck
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Regardless of the cause, the blood that is getting lost may need to be replaced. That he is feeling tired all the time, may be due to the blood loss. The hemorrhoids that bleed are usually painless and are higher up the rectum, unlike the more painful external hemorrhoids (which can be felt easily and this is what most people refer to as hemorrhoids). There are also infections involving certain segments of the intestines that can lead to bloody diarrhea. It would be best to have an appointment with the doctor sooner than later. Stay positive.
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