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polyps in colon

do all polyps turn into cancer?  and are there different types of colon polyps?  thank you
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my husband diagnosed a polyp gallbladder our family doctor told us they need to removed the polyp, may i ask if there another way to cure the polyp without the operation. Thank you
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how often do you need a follow up cystoscopy after a transuretheal resection of a non-invasive bladder polyps
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Polyps are not directly caused by any food you eat. However, it helps to reduce red meat, increase fibre and eat more fruits, veggies and of course, the most wonderful thing u can do to ur body - regular exercise!!!

Most polyps are benign. Most of them. No worries. Get a colonoscopy done. All polyps are removed during colonoscopy. If they remain there, they MAY turn cancerous. So the ONLY solution here is to get a colonoscopy done. Which is not so hard at all considering how serious cancer can be. Let me assure you, you have no reason to believe you have cancer unless the doctor shows you the proof on the LCD screen during ur colonoscopy! Cheers man. You're fine.
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can you kindly give me any information about the cause of hyperplastic polyposis syndrome and could eating certain foods cause this. Thanking you.
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I have heard doctors refer to some polyps as "precancerous."  I believe there are polyps that are benign.  Do you have any family history of colon cancer?
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