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rectal bleeding

Two years ago i had a colonoscopy for some rectal bleeding which came back all clear except for small hemoriods. About 3 months ago my anal area was very sore and ithcy and i had some bleeding, mostly on the last wipe on the tissue. I went back to the GI and he had a look and told me that there was a small tear. All has been fine but today after a few visits to the bathroom i had some bleeding on the toilet paper towards the end. I did feal some burning  pain also in the area. The quastion is, is it just the tear again as i did feel a stingy pain aroud the anal area. I also feel a lot of anxiety over my health hence why i ask the question.

Your help will be appreciated.

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You don't say how old you are but I would suggest asking your doctor what interval he/she would suggest between colonoscopies in order to eliminate the possibility of something sinister developing in the meantime.  If you are young then the interval will be greater than if you are - say 40-50 - with a family history of colon cancer for example.

Probably the symptons are a re-occurrence of your previous complaint - but I suggest that you get it checked out.  Also it may be useful to ask whether a more permanent cure can be offered so that you avoid these repeat episodes and the anxiety that envelops you.

Good luck

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i am not to sure if it is or isnt (i am not a doctor) but good luck with it
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