hi and thank you for taking te time, my father in law was just told he has stage 3 colon cancer. they are going to do surgery monday. what are the chances for him, hes 85. and whats the chances its not spread with stage 3 , sorry i know nothing about the stages so just wanting to know if stage 3 is bad. thank you
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212161 tn?1599427282
wow , God Bless you am so happy to hear your out come was great. thank you for your prayers they mean everything. so glad to hear from someone who went throught it and cancer free , i pray  you stay that way. and will say prayers for you to. Barbara
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Sorry to hear about your father-in-law, I wish him the best in his surgery and treatment.  While I cannot comment on his chances (I'm not a doctor) I want to write and give you some hope.  In April 2004 I was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer and underwent treatment and surgery.  I have been cancer-free since August 2004.  Treatment is only a distant memory, like a bad dream I had long ago, and I'm feeling fine.  Modern medicine can do a great deal for people like your father-in-law and me.  Your family will be in my prayers and I hope he has an outcome as good as mine.

All the best,
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