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symptoms of cancer?

I think I might have symptoms of colon cancer can some one please give me some info. here is my symptoms

Pain in upper left abdonmon, pain in left side and back, constipation, loss of appetite, loss of weight, nausea,

am a 26 year old male i am wondering could this be something else besides cancer and if so what else would cause this symptoms? I have had the pain off and on for years now i really dont think this could be anything but cancer and i am really scared
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I am sure that many conditions other than cancer can cause your symptoms.  I suggest you also post your question on the gastrointerology forum to get more responses.  You are quite young to have colon cancer.  Do you have a family history of the disease?  What is your diet like?  Do you exercise?  Try to include information like that.

Best of luck,
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Make an appointment with a gastroenterologist.  It is costly if you don't have an insurance, regardless of age, if you are in doubt, consult with the Gas.. to have a colon scan.  It takes a day of cleansing and a day of check up.  Don't wait till too late.  

Colonsnocopy is suggested to the over 50 but no longer truth.  You may develop a polyp in your 20s 30s 40s as well.  Check if in doubt.  When you see blool in your stool, act quickly.  Polyp if not taken care, will turn bad.  Make an appointment, now!
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1003051 tn?1260756114
I guess it can be related to IBS and IBD. It is better to consult your doctor for more information.
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Colon cleanse and acia berry concoctions can be very dangerous and I suggest getting a doctor's ok before using any products of this type.
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