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the surgery to remove colonoscopy bag, what next?

After 9 months of living with colonoscopy bag, my dad had it removed, and his colon attached. Now he is having great pressure by the annal canal, close to where the colon was attached back. He says, he sometimes feels like he has to go to the bathroom, feels the pressure, but, once he is there, nothing happens.
He feels this pressure while he is sitting or standing, no mather what.
What do you think is the cause?
and When Will He have control of his bowel movements? Now he doesn't have control, it just comes, and he has been wearing adult diapers.
Well, hope someone answers my question.
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The colon has its own nervous system, so it would generally need to relearn what gas and stool would feel like. The speed of recovery would vary. What is important is that there is continence, meaning he is able to hold the stool in. If he seems to be failing to do this, then it may be best to see the doctor again. Stay positive.
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How long ago did he have the colostomy reversed?  It takes a while to get control back.  By the way, you may want to check the ostomy forum for more information.
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