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unusaul stool

lately i've had trouble with bowel movements. it's like something is restricting the passage of my stool. it's even hard to pass gas. when i do have a bowel movement (can get it to pass) my stool is short, thin and has a 'hairy' appearance. i ususually have a normal bowel movement every morning but this has been going on for a couple of weeks now. any ideas?
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i am also experiencing like this.. hairy circle stools that look like a bug or a spider.. i hope anyone can give us an idea about this. I have it for 3 weeks now.. it scares me.. and i also have the "to go" feeling, but no pain in stomach.. only pins and needles in my feet and hands.. and sometimes at the sides of my abdomen but not really painful.
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I have had the same issues, plus abdominal pain, belching, and recently red blood at the end of bowel movements.  I have been x-rayed, had an ultra sound and am scheduled for a colonoscopy the first wk in Jan.

I will let you know what I find out.
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