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upcoming colonoscopy

My husband is going in for a colonoscopy soon and the dr gave him a presc to take prior to this. My question is: If he takes ducolax all 4 at 1 time plus 255 grams of Polyethylene Glycol mixed in 64 oz of gatorade and drinks it all in 3 hrs, isn't this a poisen? I understand that the Glycol should only be taken 17 grams a day! So why would someone take the whole bottle in 3 hours. I would assume there could be devastating effects.?
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Thank you. I know how they work I was just worried about the amount of the powder because is states 17 grams daily, and if you think you got too much to call the poisen control center. This tells me you  are poisening your self with hopes you don't die from it...He can only have the lellmon lime gatorade...No reds and no purples....Thank you
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1809109 tn?1331803777
Colonoscopy preps are EXTREMELY nasty. Basically the dr is having a person empty their entire intestinal track of all food elements to make sure it's free and clear- so food pieces won't be mistaken for an ulcer or polyp. So yes, they are pretty extreme.

If you feel uncomfortable about the amount prescribed, talk to the pharmacist. Colonoscopies are really common, so they will know pretty quickly if the numbers seem wrong. A pharmacy tech can also help you find a good Gatorade without red dye in it.
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